Breathtaking experience in an ICU ward


         We should take care of ourselves while entering an Intensive Care Unit. I  had experience with the ICU ward. See, while entering we should take a few hygienic measures. Now we are so hygiene because of the pandemic situation but before this, we don't even know the spelling of it. I saw many patients in there. The ard is very silent, the only sound we hear is the beep sound from the medical devices. It is depressing for being a visitor, then just think about the patients there.

                                      Most people have a fear of hospitals. We always avoid hospitals. But everyone will be admitted to a hospital at some point. Being a  patient in the ICU is devastating. Always silent and we don't have anybody as a companion. Now in this pandemic situation, many people going through this phase. Loneliness and Depression are always there in an ICU.  ICU is created to save people I agree that, but psychology will take over everything. Maintaining a Patient`s psychology is important.

Finally, the moral of the blog is we should take care of ourselves. We do rash driving, harmful drugs, and other stuff. All we think that is enjoying life but we destroying it. "Thrilling is killing" maybe this quote is stereotypic but makes sense. Sometimes it is nature`s play to be there. In that situation accept it and overcome it.
